Incredibly Modern Shipping Container House with Outdoor Patio

This sleek and modern home proves that you don’t need more than one container to create the perfect space. Clever design and contemporary appliances resulted in a beautifully light home that would win over even the most indecisive of tiny home enthusiasts.

A closer look at how modern simplicity was perfected in this case will inspire and conquer hearts everywhere.

Let’s start outside since the porch is a big reason for the illusion of space. The light deck and slanting roof really adds to the bigger feel of the home without adding too much expense. Add a cozy porch swing, seating for more than two, a few festive light bulbs; and you have every reason to entertain in most weather conditions! 

Already, the contrasting wood and industrial exterior hints at the balance that awaits.

Shipping Container Hot Tub Patio

Who needs a pool when you have a spacious hot tub? And the custom black wood exterior blends perfectly with the houses exterior.

Interior Design

The next genius link is the see-through roller door. It allows harmony between the surroundings and the interior design, further enhanced by the touches of greens and browns. These and other additions create harmony with the surroundings outside. 


White walls and carpentry provides the balance for any furnishings, and a wide variety of interior styles. As it is, it is stunning with its really professionally stylish look. More shelving, books, plants and posters can bring the look to a more “New York apartment” feel. Any personality can easily be brought into this space without tipping it to looking odd. 

Positioning the couch may be an issue when it comes to television time. For a good Netflix binge it will be worth moving things around, but still a bit inconvenient. Especially when it comes to cleaning up. Morning news, however would be perfect with the gorgeous little table and chairs right there. 

Here we have a tiny home kitchen dream come true. With ample floor space and a huge scenic window, no one could ever feel trapped doing kitchen duty! Everything was well thought out, from the normal amount of cabinets to the beautiful finishings. And again, the shelving and finishings lends itself well to any interior leaning.

The brass fittings help break the otherwise industrious feel and subtly balances things out.

The eye level oven is an especially considerate touch, further enhancing the spacious feel. And for the Marie Kondo fans out there, a glimpse of the organized drawers. 


A big window to help you wake up to the stunning surroundings is always a big winner in our books. It definitely makes up for the less spacious room, but this is the only sacrifice we can spot in an otherwise roomy home.

The thoughtfulness of this design is so seamlessly accomplished, it is almost overlooked. It incorporates everything a person could need to live comfortably and provides the opportunity for various taste variations of interior design. This home is a haven for privacy as well as entertaining when the occasion presents itself. Who would not want to call this home? 

What about this design did you especially appreciate, and how did it inspire you?

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