They Bought A Big Yellow Bus For $2000, And Made It Into Something Incredible

We’ve seen our fair share of impressive school bus conversions, like this one, this one, and these for example. It’s simply amazing to see a giant heap of metal transform into a cozy place to call home, and this example is certainly as impressive as any. What began as a 2000 International Diesel, 60-passenger school bus is now a home to two lovely ladies, who put in a ton of hard work to make their dream come true. Of course, it helps to have some handy friends to lend a hand along the way.

First step, buy a used school bus at an auction for $2000


Then park it, and start ripping everything out.



Frame the walls, and any built-in furniture you need…


And ta-da, you end up with a beautiful new home!



Step inside and take a look around…


The bus has everything you need to live comfortably, with storage, a bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, and living area.






A mini split A/C unit strategically positioned just above the bed, allowing them to stay nice and cool during the hot summer nights.


A washer/dryer combo saves space and makes for an efficient way to do laundry.



They used plenty of salvaged materials, like a door for the kitchen counter, reclaimed wood for the counters, and various other pieces were donated by friends.




Magnetic mason jars filled not with spices, but delicious candy treats!

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The bathroom vanity, sink, and counter were all donated or found second-hand. A small water heater is neatly tucked away underneath.



There’s even room for a spacious shower.



And a homemade composting toilet…



The view from the bathroom area looking out toward the bedroom/living space.


Quite a remarkable transformation huh? With a lot of elbow grease, a strong vision, and help from some friends the bus is now a home.

You can check out their blog at for plenty more pictures and information about the build.

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