This Young Couple Is Rewriting The American Dream

We’ve shown you some incredible DIY school bus conversions, aka “skoolies” that never cease to impress, and here’s another fine example. This young couple bought a 1993 Ford school bus and converted it into a mobile living space so they could tour the country and live life on their terms. They’ve been living here for 4+ years so far and seem to love every minute of it. At first you might be inclined to write it off as some “hippy” bus, an experiment in living that few of us would actually want to participate in, but as you hear their story and see the actual living space they created you’ll find a deeper appreciation, not just for their sense of style, but their outlook on life itself.



Want to see more school bus conversions like this? Check out our “skoolie” category for some other awesome examples.

You can check out their journey on their Facebook page, On the Road the American Dream is Alive.

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