Tiny homes aren’t just popular in America. In fact, people all over the world show a love for small spaces, as this stylish example from Bulgaria demonstrates. The owner, Hristina Hristova, wanted a tiny vacation house they could tow anywhere to get away from the concrete and crowds, and set about building a small 100-square-foot home as a means toward that goal. As she debated on certain design elements deemed necessary, they found a balance between comfort and functionality, and managed to include everything they needed to live comfortably without feeling restricted. To that end they installed a large glass door, with a small bench/deck and a large canopy to maximize their outdoor living space, enabling them to enjoy a glass of wine and dinner in the company of good friends. The owners named their tiny home “Koleliba” which is a made up word they say means “a hut on wheels”.
Images via Deyan Tomov | h/t Inhabitat
To learn more about this simple yet stylish home, check out their Facebook page.