Normally a wedgie isn’t something we’d like to spend money on, but if you’re in the market for a readymade tiny trailer house complete with all the basics, you just might reconsider. As you might guess from its name, this 160-square-foot model from Tennessee Tiny Homes is distinguished by a tight space that’s neatly outfitted with multicolored unfinished cedar siding and built-in bunk beds. The ammo can woodstove has been discontinued in order to comply with Recreation Vehicle Industry Association (RVIA) standards, but there’s still an infrared heater to keep the place warm. Also included are a propane stove, small fridge, composting toilet, and on-demand water heater for the shower and kitchen sink.
Strikingly stripey! The color will fade somewhat over time.
A small built in bench seat is flanked by a ladder that’s been incorporated into the design.
A custom paint job brightens up the kitchen area in this unit.
The woodstove looked nice, but RVIA certification does provide some peace of mind.