Tiny Diamond’s Purple Monster: Big, practical family home

Built by Tiny Diamond Homes (with some help from the buyers, a young military family), the Purple Monster meanders 38 feet over a triple-axle trailer and features a private master bedroom over the gooseneck as well as a more conventional sleeping loft at the other end. The living room’s under the loft, and in the middle are a fairly huge kitchen and bathroom. At 340 square feet the Purple Monster isn’t quite as big as a park model, but it’s definitely getting up there. It’s 10 feet wide and 17,000 pounds heavy, so the owners will need both a powerful truck and special permits to move it to their next base. They got a discount for helping out on the build, but Tiny Diamond says it would cost around $80K+ for a similar model.

The living room and loft look amply, if not startlingly, spacious – and this is only about half the house!

The kitchen stretches across the Purple Monster’s entire width and has a full-size fridge and oven on one side…

…and a Belfast-style sink and washer/dryer on the other. No overhead cabinets, but plenty of counter space and a nice pantry off to the side.

Next door is the big bathroom, with a glassed-in bathtub, sink and composting toilet.

Finally, there’s a good-sized master bedroom, which includes a closet and a built-in work desk.

A closer view of the loft bedroom.

h/t New Atlas

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